So what’s up for 2015? Lent and Easter are early this year — Ash Wednesday is February 18 and Easter is April 5. Whoa! Let’s back up. After a few days off, we will get back into the swing of things on January 7. Please check the schedule closely for changes during the first week of January. Please also check the reminders for cancelations of services due to weather. It is that time of year. Most of you know the drill, but it never hurts to refresh your memory.
We also will be receiving new members in January. If you or someone you know wish to join the church, talk to me, e-mail me, whatever, and we will get things taken care of. New members are always an exciting time (at least it is for me). Let me know if the Lord has laid that on your heart.
Last for your consideration, if you have grown lax in your church involvement, now would be a good time to do something about that. You probably attended Christmas Eve services (those were great, weren’t they?!), so make a New Year’s resolution to keep it up. But don’t just make this resolution with yourself — make it with the Lord. Tell the Lord Jesus who loves you that you will be regular in worship in 2015.
What do you think? Give it a try!
Hope to see you… regularly.
Pastor Mike